Sunday, 7 June 2009

Should Fred Wildgust put up for Parliment?

Your comments are invited on the prospect of Pontypool Councillor, Fred Wildgust, standing as an independent candidate for Torfaen in the next general election, which must be held in the next 12 months or so. Comments that are simply abusive will be removed but we hope for constructive comments for and against him standing against Paul Murphy.

Naturally we will welcome comments from Paul Murphy and Fred Wildgust himself!

Comments so far, to our Grumble Sheet have not been positive.
Fred Wildgust put up for Pontypool Community Council on September the first this 2009, the results were as follows

ADAMS MARK Plaid Cymru – The Party of Wales 47
HARRIS JOHN EDMUND The Labour Party 130 "Elected"
OVERTON RICHARD FRASER Welsh Conservative Party 31
At the Torfaen council election in May 2008 Cllr Wildgust got 291 votes from the same electorate, but with twice the percentage of people voting. This does not appear to be a good indictor for success at a general election.


Anonymous said...

No, quite frankly, from my personal dealings as a ward constituent I have no confidence in him to represent us in parliament. I can candidly say that I infact did choose to vote for him based on his campaign promises. However he flip flopped on his policies once to often and the catalysist in my decision yo no longer support him was his joining the Peoples' Voice - something he promised not to do (not very independent). A poor choice for bedfellows, as when I attended a meeting with a friend, Peoples' Voice members were at the time compalining about immigrants and teenage mothers 'on the social'...not very savoury to say the least.
Whatever happened to the campaign for democracy he enticed us with?

Also I am aware first hand of numerous neighbours who have sought his representaions on historic issues of nusiance that his predecessor failed to resolve... Mr Wildgust has not bothered to resolve their issues or mine. He has however told us what he would like to see happen to our situations even if it completely differs from our views. Very infuriating.

In short, personally I have found that he is only interested in the sound of his own voice, and does not truly wish to represent the views of the people who voted for him. He does not appear to see anything through to completion, but runs out of steam. He appears to be undiplomatic, forever publicly bad mouthing his advesaries. He does not play well with others. Poor qualities for our representative in Westminster. I mean really can you see him on Sky news or the BBC debating foreign affairs or the global economic ressession, without resulting profanities?

Whilst I have never voted labour, nor I believe ever will; Mr Murphy is an articulate intelligent, educated man who I am not embarrassed to have represent my constituencey.

Can anyone honestly, who has had constituency dealing with Fred, say the same? I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

and most importantly
are all essential leadership qualities that Mr wildgust has yet proven to posess yet alone display.
He has pubicly made too many gaffs and unprofessional comments.
Being keen and enthusiatstic are not enough, I wish they were then we could all be chiefs with no Indians.
These are not meant to be desparaging remarks but constructive critcism.
Do we really want our own Joe Biden?

nutcracker said...

Wildgust once again proves he is not fit for public office.
His latest nonsense is an email to the Community Council lambasting them for complaining about his behavior.
This all stems from his failure to persuade the Council to meet with him and listen to his initiatives to make life better for us serfs in Torfaen.What he fails to understand is anyone has the right to address the council as they allocate 30 minutes prior to full council meetings for the sole purpose of placing views to them. (obviously this is not good enough for Fredrick the great)
The complaint was not upheld and thus emboldening him to further making himself look stupid. He complains that they keep referring him to a "talking shop of a committee" for the uninitiated that committee is the 'Pontypool CC & TCBC Re-generation Partnership'of which......wait for it...Fred is Vice Chair. You couldn't make it up could you.

Nutcracker said...

We would want to see our representatives able to present a case in a manner that is 1. plausible 2. compehensible 3. workable 4. costed 5. supportable

Unfortunately Fred's performance in full council in June fell lamentably short on all these counts.
It was really embarrasing to see this - self proclaimed - champion of the people being made to look so foolish by labour councillors who themselves are not too bright.

His motion to "to delay the sale of the Trevethin school site in Penygarn until the market was more bouyant" was laudable in itself, but he somehow placed a value on the land as being in excess of 15 million. subsequently he was laughed out of order. The true value is circa 2.4 million.

Fred has promised his ward members quite a lot of money under the 106 agreement. Now this is strange in itself because....none of his members actuall sent their children to Trevethin School, pupils came from Trevethin, St Cadocs and Penygarn.

A lot to learn Freddy boy!! your remark in your email that "your record as an effective councillor is second to none" really shows that you should seek medical help, and thats not only my opinion.

Dave said...

Nutcracker has really said it all. This man (Wildgust) does not seem to have any sense or real knowledge at all. Everything he says or comes up with is plain stupid. The latest being the open garden scheme. Doesn't he know that september is not a good month and Pontypool in Bloom needs to be planned from at least January to be any good. Usk works all year round to have a good show, 2 months is daft as are you, Fred.

Anonymous said...

The famous e. mail from Fred to Pontypool Com Council states that they, the Council have done everything in their power to prevent him from progressing in his duties as a Borough Councillior with tactics which include, refusing to meet with him, trying to stop or stall his initiatives, refusing to participate in projects that he has instigated. Fred, from what I see the Com Councilliors are mostly eldery men and women who represent and volunteer in their respective communities, they are not MI5 Fred, get on with what YOU are paid to do, represent and work in your ward, leave the Greenmeadow Farms, Trevethin School Sites to the members that represent the wards that they are in, what about things in your ward Fred, like repositioning the bus stops on Park Road, Parking on Market Street, Advertising "A" boards on pavements, Decorating windows of closed down shops, Car Parking, the list is endless Fred, if you would only listen to the people in your ward, not do what you want (who gave a F--K what colour the Pontymoile park gates was Fred).

no gods and masters. said...

Lyn Irwin had the same problems he told me that the community council were a waste of time. His opion I respected, he was a gentleman and an honest citizen. So it is of no surprise that another town cllr is running into a brick wall, read Janice Cook's blog in the grumble post, I think you read the sceond one first - the last one second, for it to make sense.

Anonymous said...

I also respected Lyn Irwyn, but from memory, did'nt he actually serve on the Pontypool Community Council and in fact became chairman. Surely Janice should have contacted both her Community Councillior and her Borough Councillior? (oh yes that would be Fred then)

Janice said...

Hi I am Janice and yes to your last blog poster, I infact contacted Ann Beck the day after the consultation went to the public 15 July. According to Alexis the clerks Mrs Beck had already signed off on the paper work the week before and sent it back to Torfaen Council saying no one had contacted them with objections. 15 residents have infact objected (every house on our street) and tried to arrange a meeting with her. Pontypool CC refused. We are not Uri Gellar we do not have crystal balls we cannot anticiapte before a planing application is sent out before public consultation, but it is interesting that Ann Beck can. The planning process has been seriously compromised in this instance. The three properties and settings concerned are listed, all of Pontypool is concerened not just our dwindling community. FYI the residents asked me to contact Mr Wildgust. He does not appear to want to represent us, looks like Jack Tennison has a very wide reach (he is the land owner).

Anonymous said...

Janice looks like you and your neighbours have been let down by both Borough and Community Councilliors then, from past experience with TCBC Planning Dept applications take 6-8 weeks, (don't know the date of the one concerning you, but it is TCBC that have the final say),I'm sure they can over rule an objection from PCC ( even though a appeal can be lodged) I would suggest you write collectively to TCBC asking for a site meeting prior to determination also ask if you can attend the planning meeting and make representations Good Luck

Janice said...

Hi Anon, I am well versed on the planning process, Tesco stole my garden. We have been given 21 days for objections. Last day being 4 Aug. On the day the site notice went up I viewed the plans, met with all neighbours and we decided to arrange a site meeting asap, this was 15 July. On same day I called the planning officer involved, and the meeting is for 6 Aug.....ha ha ha 2 DAYS AFTER CONSULTATIONS ENDS!!!!! 'She is on holiday and no no else is available' convenient.....ME smells a rat this was already agreed to be ratified in secret before it went out to the public. Mu husband and I witnessed a stie meeting several weeks ago in attendance were the council, Buckle and Chamberlain and JAck Tennison, we heard what was said and we know it has been agreed. I know such meeitngs are the process, but the conversation appeared to be biased in the applicants favour (Park Estate). By the way if anyone wants to attend to support us protecting the listed building and conservation area from another car park and concrete jungle, the meeting is 6pm 6 August Civic Centre. We was robbed.....

Janice said...

UPDATE JUST RECEIVED PHONE CALL FROM COMMUNITY COUNCIL. They have responded to my formal complaint and are sorry for the mix up, Mrs Beck will meet with me tommorrow and our letter of objection with signatures will be considered.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything works out for you Janice, Sounds as though the Nursery is also a Tenant of Pontypool Park Est. and its a case of putting business first.Glad to see Cllr Ann Beck showing an interest, shame about Cllr Wildgust though

nutcracker said...


The deal as been done, Beck is only a cosmetic exercise.

Once again our heritage is being bounced in the name of profit.

You will hear from me soon.

janice said...

thanks, I know, TBC are duplicitous rouges. Get anyone u can to come tothe meeting on 6 aug in room 1 to object. This is your town, your history and your future, i am just an incomer, who has lived here 27 years. Can anyone let the free press know the time and venue and poke the hornets nest????????? After wildgust doesn't give a s***t

GD Abersychan said...

At the Pontyypool CC meeting last week Anne Beck did not even attend,the Council ratified the minutes of the Planning Committee so the Planning Application will go though as "No Objections" what a waste of your time meeting Ann Beck, she should have attended the Council meeting and made comments!!!

Voice of Pontypool said...

GD Abersychan
The Community Council are only consultees in the Planning process, the decision is with the borough and Fred Wildgust as Pontypool Ward Councillor would have been sent a copy of the application for his comments, where is his support for the Community, if he can't be bothered at Local level whats he going to do at National level!!!!!

Janice said...

Voice of Pontypool ....
2 true.
Mr Wildgust did not meet with the officer incharge before the end of consultation. EVEN though we residents REQUESTED him to represent us. He has acted disgracefully and dishonorabley. Just got off the phone with Mrs Beck she is hiding something. She informed me that she was not allowed to object as the CC signed of on this 2 weeks even though at site meeting she PROMISED to support our full objections. the Labour party meeting they unamimously agreed to the bastardisation of the conservation area.

Voice of Pontypool said...

What labour party meeting was this?

Ian Williams said...

The whole issue of decision making in council, should depend upon each and every councillor voting to meet the needs of the people they serve ie; you and me.

The situation with the regulations
regarding voting in council is this...members MUST only vote after listening to all the arguments - for and against - before casting their vote.

In the past some councillors have been prevented from voting, because they have previously expressed an opinion either for our against a motion prior to the vote.

In my opinion this makes all the motions passed by the Labour/Idependent/Sepratist council "null and void" for this reason.

Labour Councillors attend what is known as "Labour Group" where the council minutes are discussed and a decision to vote for or against is taken. Once the decision is taken you have to support it. I actually got into 'hot water' several times on PCC for ignoring this, but carried on.

This takes place within TCBC and Pontypool CC.

Is this not a total disregard for "due process" and diminishes our democratic right to be 'well served' by our representatives.

I attended the council meeting of Blaenau Gwent recently, and what a contrast to Torfaen. Each member was treated with respect, and their was a full debate on all motions, time was allowed for this by a sensible agenda.

Voice of Pontypool said...

So as Chairman and not a Councillor you do not discuss with your PV Councillors what they intent to say and how to vote before Council by going through the minutes beforehand?

janice said...

Voice of Pontypool said...
What labour party meeting was this?

Voice, Mrs Beck informed that she attended a labour meeting and that the Hanbury Tennison application recieved no objections when tabled. Sorry if this is vague...I was not there and know no more except what I have been told by her.
More importantly her is the lack of duty by our TBC cllr when asked by 8 households - an entire street to represent us to the council and he does not bother to get off his ass and do so. Even if he attempted to carry out his duty it is too late for objections - the deadline has passed, how does that serve us?

Ian Williams said...

To: voice of pontypool

We do not tell our councillors how they have to vote, full stop.

Issues are discussed,comments are made, but the overiding factor for each councillor is "is this good for the people they serve".

It's different, but democratic.

Carys Cook MeSCI said...

Fred Please see....

I have copied this below directly from Cllr Wildgust's webpage on his environmental policy....

I believe in the protection of the environment and by working with TCBC and action groups to simply develop a ‘green corridor’ that will allow biodiversity to develop and migrate throughout the borough, improving the lives of the regions residents and creating urge from a grassroots level to protect our green areas.

So please tell me Sir, that you have of course fielded an objection against the wholesale removal of the last green corridor on Hanbury Road, thus protecting the trees and green space and biodiversity from land use change. Thereby supporting the entire community of residents on St James Field, who have sought your support.

I personally will be very interested in your earliest reply as I am currently doing a PhD Studentship in Climate Change at Imperial College London.

Carys Cook MeSci Cardiff University

Anonymous said...

You are a coward for not replying.
I voted, campaigned and rallied for you. I gave up my valuable time freely that was really needed elsewhere. How dare you be so arrogant?

Gossip Girl said...

I wonder if you can have a vote of no confidence in your local councillor..mmmmmmmmm look out Fred!

THE SEEKER said...

Run for parliament, run for Community Council, run for your lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good God NO!!!! Parliamentary candidate, Pontypool Community Council candidate and Torfaen Council candidate. Does this guy like the sound of his own voice or what? Let us have a balance of views, 'other people's views', not just one selfish greedy man!!! Piss off Fred.

Gossip Girl said...

Fred did not win the Community Council Election, so hes saving himself for the General Election.

Anonymous said...

Gossip Girl....

Wildgust would humiliate the people of Torfaen with his crappy antics should he get into Westminster, but we all know he is an imposter and a dreamer.
...his personal view of St James Hall carpark is sparked by a vendetta against a certain resident who lives there.

Anonymous said...

Gossip Girl

My neighbour claims that Fred fell out with her. I remember that this timelast year he had a big site meting on StJames Field which was attended by Torfaen planners - Conservation office and highway dept. He was trying to protect the conservation area up here and improve the condition of area. He tried to get them to issue a 215 notice on Park Estate because of the blight and over grown weeds. He asked the resident to contact the council to set up a residents' conservation area protection group. He even had a meeting with the police to tackle the dangerous illegal parking on double yellows and pavements by Ysgol Feithrin parents. He issued an email to this effect and we have proof. He has now completely changed his views and ALL the neighbours say it is because of ill feeling to this resident.

Ian Williams said...

To reply to the first post I would like to say this;

The reason they attended was to get help in a situation they had with TCBC over access.

Accusations were made at this meeting about the chief executive of TCBC. These accusations were minuted, and I have recently proved the correctness of these with members who were present.

The remarks were litiguous!!

As for the discussions on, immigrants and teenage mothers on the social. Would you not think that those two subjects should not be ignored, of course not.