Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Campaign for Democracy?

"Concerned" from St Cadocs/Penygarn ward has posted on our Grumble Sheet as follows!

"I wonder had People's Voice had more of a success at the elections would they still be campaigning for democracy?"

This subject warrants further discussion. Correct me if I am wrong but People's Voice only won seats where there was no independent candidate. Also I believe Fred Wildgust, as an Independent, beat a Peoples Voice Candidate by a wide margin.

Maybe people actually wanted an independent representative on the council?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

The whole "Democracy for Torfaen" campaign is a sham, we have the results of a democratic vote and deals done afterwards. Now the campaign for democracy, some of whom were confidently predicting which cabinet jobs they would get after Labour was swept from power are sulking and blaming the system, tough.

Anonymous said...

I totalling agree with Anonymous, this council should knuckle down and start doing what they were voted in to do, the heart of democracy is the voting system

Anonymous said...

I don't think is is a simple as that. I don't think the leaders, as oppossed to the supporters, of the campaign for democracy are any more concerned about democracy than anyone else. However some of their support is coming from the man in the street who is seriously interested in a more democratic system, where councillors allegance is not to their party, their allowances or their position on the council but to the people they represent.

As far as the peoples voice is concerned they would have included "proportionality" and a reduction in allowances in their manifesto if they had any true leaning this way.

How do they answer that?

Anonymous said...

I agree Ted, Peoples voice should have had a clear manifesto with these concerns in.Its a bit of "sour grapes" now.Councillors joining parties after being elected should not be allowed either, if the voters wanted a particular party in they would have voted for that party. its a bit of a slap in the face for the people who voted for them

Anonymous said...

Surely Councillors who jump to another party MUST face a re=election?????? and then to get kicked out of their new party? I don't want someone to represent me who cannot get on with people.

Anonymous said...

Dave from Pontypool ward posted they following grumble....

I copy it here as it is relevant

"expelled or pushed?".

So what really happened to our favourite councillor , you know, the one who can't decide which side he plays for. Did he resign or was he pushed out because even Ian Williams was getting embarrassed by him?.