Friday, 13 June 2008

Councillor Cunnington answers his critics

Let me elay any fears that I am a Labour supporter, far from it, baring in mind that I still have the scars from when they stabbed me in the back!
On the face of it and the mis-reporting by the Argus (which they agreed was as a result of incorrect information given to them initially), I quite appreciate that the electorate will feel betrayed, I would feel the same, however my decision when explained will I hope, prove to get the best deal for our ward, which is what I promised to do - and to achieve this I had to seize an opportunity to gain what is probably the most important casting voting position in the County, which I intend to use as a lever to get facilities in Two Locks and Henllys in particular, not forgetting the rest of the county. continues....


Anonymous said...

The comment about throwing my toys out of the pram is so funny... As for my efforts being futile to secure proportional representation, only time will tell.

Cllr Alistair Connington, obviously fails to grasp the purpose of the petition. The aim of the petition is to force Councillors to make a decision on democracy in the Council Chambers in front of the regional and national press...

At that point we will see which Councillors truly support democracy and which Councillors are Labour puppets.

If the petition is rejected, the people will want to know why. If Coouncillors abstain, the people will want to know why, if Councillor votes against the demands of the petition, the people will want to know why....

If my aims to represent the voice of the people is deemed as futile by Cllr Connington, perhaps he shouldnt have betrayed them by in the first place; and this situation would never have arisen.


Cllr Wildgust

Anonymous said...

"divide et impera" (divide and conquer)

"A combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy."

Dear Councillors Cunnington and Wildgust, cannot you see what Bob Wellington is up to! What has happened has happened, I believe both of you have good intent and if so you want the same sort of outcome in the end, call it proportional representation or power sharing or what you like.

Councillor Cunnington, what harm would a petition do, it would only put further pressure on an administration that you wouldn't trust unless you are holding a trump card?

Our Councillor, Stuart Evans is as experienced as an independent councillor as the past/ present political system will allow. The two of you must get together with him, and later the labour leaders, to discuss a gradual sharing of power within the life of this council, otherwise a unique opportunity to break the labour single party rule has been lost.

Alastair Cunnington said...

Toy's out of the cot?...Its not only funny its a fact. Furthermore I loved the new name -Councillor "Connington" the humour is in the adjustment of the name...its a bit like "Wildgust", hot air with no definite direction, in fact we could do a double act "Connington & Hot Air"...we could do pantomimes, we could play the pantomime horse, I could play the head... you could play yourself.

Now I can do this all day, because I love it, but remember - fighting with me is like fighting with a pig...we both get dirty, but the pig loves it!

Fred, if you feel so strongly about matters...prove it as a matter of principle to everyone by rejecting the £12,000 allowances that you are now getting and that you have been quick to criticise me and the others for, ...but I can't see you going that far, I know I wouldn't be able to do it because you have told me and everyone else that I only did it for the it must be right...because you said it.

Which ever way you dress it up, proportional representation, petitions, campaigning, people are starting to notice that it really is sour grapes, read some of the increasing current press articles . Tell everyone please that had you been a chairman of a committee, would you have refused the additional allowance.

Do you really think that the electorate are that stupid, I don't.

Anonymous said...

Considering Councillor Fred Wildgust's comments in respect of the famous five and his claims that they have betrayed the electorate how about this for duality and hypocricy...and bearing in mind this man's shining example - he is now on a mission to one day lead the council!

Someone please challenge him on his latest announcement!

Here are his previous comments:

"As an independent councillor, I am free of any party whip and cannot be controlled by the restrictions of party policy."

Q: Why then has he now renounced his Independent status and his membershipof our Torfaen Peoples Coalition group to join another political group The Peoples Voice ?...does he not think that we had any strength as a group, which will now make a mockery of us for forming it in the first place ....I'll bet the rest of my colleagues feel as betrayed as me..considering that his shot at Independent lasted all of two months!

"Well I tell the residents of Torfaen I stand by this pledge, over the past few weeks since the betrayal of the electorate by the 3 Plaid Cymru and 2 Independent Councillors,"

Q: Having stood as an Independent how would he quantify "betrayal" given the fact that he has now joined The Peoples Voice and dumped our group !!!

"I have been working hard to establish the legal position and identify any realistic actions to take that would secure democracy for the residents of Torfaen."

Q: So presumably that translates as - upset your colleagues and then dump them and the people that voted for you, because it doesn't fit in with your plan !

"I am not a career Councillor, it does not matter to me if I upset the status quo or people don’t like me"

Q: Then why have you announced that you intend to stand as deputy leader and where will that leave "serve" under you !!!

"I personally thank all members of the coalition that support my action and Ian Williams of the Peoples Voice for his advice and counsel."

Q: Do you think that anyone from the TPC will support you from now on and it sounds like Ian Williams has found another puppet and two fingers to the TPC !

"Unstable" comes to mind !


mctavish said...

Not much longer for you eh fred - we think you know what we mean!!!