Thursday, 22 May 2008

A vote for Plaid was a vote for Labour

I must amend my last post, maybe the lady concerned has just learnt the way life really is, very quickly. She has just agreed to accept the labour whip, and at the same time accepted an additional £5,402 per year. The more cynical might see this as a bribe.

Below I show you the allowances members get, all sum are in pounds, per year, and the rates are accumulative. Therefore if you are leader you get £27,017 plus your basic allowance of £12,718 a year, ie £39,735 per year

5 councillors, that is 3 (inexperienced) Plaid councillors and two (inexperienced) independents "sided" with the labour group and voted in the former regime. For their compliance each of these 5 (inexperienced) councillors have been nominated, by the labour leader, and by a consistant vote of 23 to 20, given chairmanship of a committee, at an extra £5,402 per year. (That means that these 5, inexperienced people will be getting £18,120 before expenses.

It stinks! (unless of course they have a hidden agenda)

The allowances for councillors are as follows (remember that any actual expenses occurred, like travel and accommodation, are generous additions to the following basic allowances.)

Leader of the Council £27,017 per annum
Deputy Leader £14,859
Executive Member £13,508
Chairs of Planning and Licensing Committee £8,105
Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Committees £8,105
Chairs of Committees (other) £5,402
Mayor’s Allowance £8,105
Deputy Mayor’s Allowance £5,402
ALL ABOVE PLUS THE Basic Allowance of £12,718
PLUS Care Allowance* £375 per month (if you have young kids).


Anonymous said...

I voted for a young lady who promised to act independantly, I did not vote for an independant Wales.

I have got neither, I might just as well have voted labour, ot not voted at all!

Anonymous said...

I will never vote Plaid again!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that that delightfull young lady wood do this without good reasons. Let us wait and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

Can you please detail attendance records. I for one would LOVE to know what they actually do to earn such grossly overpaid salaries. My husband is a chartered engineer, years of school etc and I suggest he pack it in and get on the gravy train, he obviously made the wrong career choice. My daughter has a masters in science, but probably won't see a salary such as Marshals, or Cunninghams or Wellingtons. Great pay, a few hours at the office here and there, free booze and food at soirees, free air travel to twinnigs all over Europe, staying in swanky free accomodation and yet more free booze, did I mention that it was all FREE?!!! Council change revolt anyone? Support Fred Wildgust.