Friday, 20 February 2009

Making the Right Decisions!

(The following is a response from Cllr Cunnington to the news that The Independent Group - Torfaen is leaving the Torfaen Peoples Coalition. It is copied here with his permission.)

Following the election I was criticised by some of the newly elected councillors for not joining the Torfaen Peoples Coalition and was agressively jibed at for having the forsight to choose, in the interest of stability - to form a different strategically balanced coalition with some current Labour Councillors, another Independent Councillor and three Plaid Cymru members.

This has proved to be a stable situation where democracy is actually working following; the much needed re-working of the Labour Group, a “new listening man change of outlook” by the Leader, sound advice and sensible ideas from the Plaid Cymru members and some fresh ideas and experience from Peter Cathcart and myself.

For myself, I considered that following an initial pre-meeting of the TPC, it was clear that the main interest of the group was to “settle old scores”. It was also apparent that with so many people pulling in different directions that it was doomed from the start for disaster.

More importantly, I can confidently announce that - I am more convinced now than I was at the start that I made the right decision, since having heard first hand some of the ludicrous proposals that have been presented in the last ten months of council - and I firmly believe that had the Coalition been successful - Torfaen would have been wrecked and become a laughing stock as with some of the antics by its members.

Initially, this became apparent when, after Cllr Wildgust’s failure to campaign and organise an Historical Overturning Petion ( promising thousands and thousands of signatures by dissatisfied voters) and mass marches, (presumably bringing the streets to a standstill) - when after just two months as an Independent, he then decided to join the Peoples Voice party!. After several months, he then “left” the Peoples Voice Party and unsuprisingly has recently left the TPC as well - and is currently in the wilderness, I am not aware to date of any other party that he would be able to join, presumably after such memorable proposals like building a new Incineration Plant…baring in mind that after years of campaigning the good people of Torfaen have only just got rid of Rechem!

Since it was only a matter of time, as per my initial prediction; I now present the latest farce with the publication by Cllr Liz Haynes of the much awaited press statement, as follows:

“Statement from the Independent Group - Torfaen.

The Independent Group have reflected on their membership of Torfaen People’s Coalition.

On Monday 16th February 2009 at 6pm, at an Independent Group meeting, the decision was taken to withdraw from the Coalition.

In May 08, a Coalition was formed with the sole purpose of ousting the Labour Controlled Administration. Due to the decision of 5 newly elected members, this was not to be.

The Independent group are strong and focussed and we wish to step back from the Party politics that is currently evident in this Council.

As an Independent group, we will continue to work hard in our communities, whilst scrutinising the decisions within Council.

We are still opposition Councillors and even though not a Coalition, we will
continue to hold the Labour administration to account.”

It is apparent that the infighting within the TPC group has caused it to fall apart at the seams, yet still it persists in trying to blame the 5 councillors with any sense who didn’t join…with its failure by not being members ! - thereby acknowledging and confirming that the 5 councillors that they criticised initially have made the right decision. With statements like “scrutinising the decisions within the Council and holding the administration to account”, I would have to point out that thus far they can’t even hold themselves together let alone claim that they could run a council.

This alone confirms that a gung-ho approach, inexperience and personal ambition is ultimately rewarded with failure.

To date, as a result of lack of cohesion, direction and poor leadership, not one sensible proposal has been presented by the TPC, save for endless rhetorical questions and political diatribe in the council chamber much to the weary dismay of people in the public gallery…and councillors & officers. The subsequent current dissolution of the group will be a magor benefit to the people of Torfaen since presumably any remaining floating councillors with any forsight and sense will see fit to actively join in with business rather than theatrically voting against every proposal simply because they are in opposition.

Unfortunately, due to the initial lack of forsight and following a farcial 10 months where they have achieved absolutely nothing, manifest in the Coalition falling apart, it is difficult to to forsee any sensible councillor wanting to form an alliance with any of the former members of the TPC now posing as new Independent Councillors (Group?), since I am sure they would not want to be aligned with the same track record, or lack of it and its only a matter of time when the “new group” will fall apart when greed and ambition take root.

Thus far in council the TPC will only be rememberd for wasting ten months with continuous critisism, repeated pointless questions, monthly policy change proposals and taking up space.
Sadly, as a badly fragmented collection of groups with no direction or leadership even the largest formation of members as a sub-group will have little or no effectiveness since no one will take them seriously, given the nonsense thus far.

I can’t help saying - I told you this would happen….actually I did at the first meeting

Alastair Cunnington 19th February 2009